Short and long course at Lockyer Enduro

The Lockyer Enduro is fast approaching and the organisers have been busy preparing for the 2018 event.

The event will be first off the blocks for the CAMS Queensland off road calendar and will also be round one of the Queensland Off Road Championship.

Thornton in the Lockyer Valley will host the event, with the headquarters and pits situated on the property at the western end of Peters Road.

This year’s Lockyer Enduro layout and format will be the same as previous years. The event format is run over four sections which consist of short laps of approximately 11-12 kilometres and long laps of approximately 18 kilometres.

Section one and two of the event consists of the shorter laps, and in 2018 we will be giving competitors the opportunity to enter either the short course at a reduced entry fee or enter both the long course and the short course.

By dividing the field into separate groups in section one and two, we will also be allowing the option of double entered vehicles to compete in the short course only.

To be eligible for the long course and Queensland Off Road Championship (QORC) points, competitors must complete section one and two of the event and then continue on with the longer 18 kilometre laps for section three and four.

Full details of how the event will be conducted can be found in the event Supplementary Regulations, which can be found here.

Click here to enter the event.

Course & Format

The course layout will be the same as previous years, and will feature a terrain of gravel, dirt and natural surfaces including creek crossings.

The event format is run over four sections which consist of short laps of approximately 11 โ€“ 12kms, and long laps of approximately 18kms. In 2018, competitors will have the option of entering the short course only portion of the event, at a reduced entry fee, or the long course and short course together for the full entry fee.

Short course โ€“ The South Queensland Off Road Series (short course) portion of the event will consist of 7 laps of the 12km course divided into two (2) sections (section 1 & 2 only).

Long course: The Queensland Off Road Championship (long course) portion of the event will consist of 7 laps of the 12km course & 7 laps of the 18km course (210 km in total) divided into four (4) sections. To be eligible you must complete section 1 & 2 of the event and then continue on with the longer laps for section 3 & 4.


A spectator point will be provided in the HQ area, situated on the property at the western end of Peters Road.


Camping is allowed at the Mulgowie Hall Recreational Grounds on Saturday night for competitors and support crews. Showers and toilets are available within the grounds and all users are asked to keep these facilities clean and tidy.

The camping can be booked and paid through the Mulgowie Hotel on 07 5465 9127.

Please note: fires are not permitted in the camping area or any part of the track.


A range of food and drinks will be available at the Headquarters location including Saturday lunch, Sunday breakfast & Sunday lunch.

Meals are available at the Mulgowie Hotel for Saturday evening. If you wish to have a meal please ring the Mulgowie Hotel (07) 5465 912ย to book.


There is no fuel at Mulgowie and the closest location for fuel would be Laidley approx. 17kms away. It is strongly suggested competitors bring sufficient fuel for the event and include sufficient fuel for support vehicles.


Click here to be taken to the online entry registration page.

Further information

Queensland Off Road Championship Facebook

Brisbane Sporting Car Club

Supplementary Regulations