Competitors wanting to be part of the 2019 BFGoodrich CAMS Australian Off Road Championship are reminded to register for the Championship before Friday, 5 April.
The BFGoodrich Australian Off Road Championship will have three rounds in 2019 with the Cobb and Co Hotel St. George 399 to kick off the season on 5-7 April.
The Championship will then move to the Northern Territory for the iconic Tatts Finke Desert Race on 7-10 June, before the Hindmarsh Shire Rainbow Desert Enduro hosts the final round of the season on 9-11 August.
In order to be eligible for Championship points, competitors must notify CAMS administrators by 23:59 AEDT on Thursday 4 April and tick the AORC registration box on page one of the registration form.
Click here to download the registration form.
Any competitor who hasn’t ticked the AORC registration box and paid the registration fee before the deadline will be ineligible to score Championship points at this weekend’s Cobb and Co Hotels St. George 399.